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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

Class Waitlist App

Waitlist Procedures

Is the class already posted with open spaces? Check the events list for the class before waitlisting for the class.

  • Waitlist notifications happen from the 15th - 25th of each month via Slack only.
  • Monitor your SLACK messages to receive the notice between 15th and 25th. 
  • You must already be on the list by the time of notice. 
  • 24-hour advanced notice. When notified, register or say pass within 24 hours. Each person gets 2 notifications for 2 different sessions then we remove you from the waitlist.
  • Waitlist hold - classes will indicate in the title when the hold will be removed. 
  • We notify based on the date you were added to the waitlist. First-in, First-out drives fairness.
  • Member applicants who need woodshop classes must add themselves to the waitlist immediately after they receive their approval email.
  •  Do NOT waitlist for every class at once. What tools do you need for your first projects? For example, woodshop sign-off classes are offered every month. Pace yourself, Use the tools, start a few projects, take some more sign-offs. No need to "collect 'em all" at once.

Nonmembers may waitlist for project classes only (i.e., not sign-off). We may not notify you when the class is posted, but your input is important for guaging class interest.  

Why do we have a Waitlist?

Nova Labs attracts about 35 new members per month. We've learned from failed makerspaces that there must be a balance betwix classes and time for members to use those tools. This Central Class Waitlist is a tool for balancing these 2 competing needs for you.

Are there enough people waiting to justify adding a new class or adding session? OR should we let the makers make?

Note that the waitlist contains member information so is viewable only with an account.

Questions? Ask on #members in Slack (immediate response) or ask at

Group Of Puppies In A Row, Isolated Stock Image - Image of ...

Add your name to the waitlist

If the above app does not work because of your device's security settings, try this link:

See the waitlist - View-Only Mode


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