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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

Events by Workspace, Shop or Category

Find events you are interested in by subject or artistry. Each section shows the next several events. To find more, checkout the calendar on the main Events page or use the search box to filter events by key words.

Non-members are welcome to sign up for classes and events. 

For questions about any event, email us at

Don't see the event you are looking for? Check our Class Catalogue and sign up on our Class Waitlist

If the maker class you need is NOT on the catalogue or waitlist, then suggest a class

CODES AND RESTRICTIONS: Some events have restrictions and codes and will give a warning.

Resistriction: This means the event is restricted to only allow certain groups such as members or specific groups. Be sure you are logged in using your member account. Member applicants may be excluded from some sign off classes with a long waitlist.

Codes: This means the member waitlist is still being processed. Hover over the Resources menu to view the waitlist process. Check back in 24 hours to see if seats are open. Contact if the code is not released within 24 hours.

General Events

3d Printing Shop

Promakers and Business

  • No upcoming events

Plastics and Composites Shop

  • No upcoming events

Crafters Cove

The Studio Arts Shop


Laser Cutter Shop

CNC Shop

Mixed Media Shop

TOURS (Public) and GO Class

Blacksmithing Shop

Restrictions and Codes on some events? See note at top of the page.


Restrictions and Codes on some events? See note at top of the page.



Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580

© 2020 Nova Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.