Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Instructor: Anjelika and Doug
Did you know that the woodshop is home to a chopstick maker? Learn about that other cool chopstick facts in this fun hands-on class. You will select from a variety of woods and see how to turn boards into mighty little utensils by using the table saw, bandsaw, and a specialized hand plane. Traveling has been tough, but in this class you’ll enjoy a brief cultural getaway in the land of wood.
Bonus! Don’t let your cultural journey end. For those adventurous enough to travel to forgein lands, follow up your woodshop experience with a tour of Crafters Cove and extend your vacation by learning how to sew a beautiful sleeve to keep your chopsticks in. Check out the companion class.
Prerequisite: A fairly decent sense of humor is required but no tool sign off will be needed. Safety Dress Code: Woodshop dress code enforced. Comfortable closed-toed shoes; no loose clothing; long hair and beard tied back. Must wear a mask at all times and must bring your own safety glasses.
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