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CS_P: Bubble Free Casting

  • 27 Mar 2021
  • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Nova Labs (TS - The Studio and Projects Classroom)
  • 3


Registration is closed

Bubbles are a common problem in castings. In some cases, you can ignore them. But for other applications, you might not be so lucky. You might need a transparent part which would be ruined by bubbles. Or your part’s strength might be compromised by bubbles.

In those cases, you need special equipment to get rid of those vexing bubbles.

This class will teach you how to use Nova Labs vacuum chamber and pressure pot together to eliminate bubbles. It will also teach you how to operate the vacuum pump.

Prerequisite: Mold Making and Plastic Casting 101

Recommended Clothing: The materials used in this class will permanently bond to anything they get on. It is strongly recommended you wear old work clothes and shoes you won't mind getting stained.

Class Fee is $40.

​**Refund and Events Policy:

Class size is limited and masks are required.

This has been previously announced on Meetup:


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