Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Come learn how to keep your bike in top-notch condition for the biking season that just started. Shane will teach you, among other things, how to check that the gears, derailleurs, and drive chain are all working properly; how to adjust your brakes; and, that moving parts that need it, have the right lubricants.
Class Cost: $40 for each Adult-Child Pair
After the class, we will all go for a ride on the W&OD trail to test our newly tune-up bikes.
Adult participation is encouraged. Kids younger than 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Nova Labs previously announced this event on Meetup.com.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
© 2020 Nova Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.