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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

WW_P: How to sharpen lathe turning tools (Members Only)

  • 2 May 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Nova Labs, 1916 Isaac Newton Square W Ste. B, Reston, VA 20190
  • 3


Registration is closed

A sharp tool is a turner's best friend. If you are having difficulty achieving smooth cuts and relying on scraping rather than cutting then this is the class for you. In this class you will learn a quick and easy way to repeatedly and consistently sharpen all of your wood turning tools using the Wolverine sharpening system on a slow speed grinder. The Varigrind jig will be demystified and you will be show a simple method to sharpen all of your bowl and spindle gouges. Sharpening the spindle roughing gouge, skew, and scraper will also be discussed and demonstrated. Bring your turning tools - as many as you want to sharpen to practice your skills in class or use the studio tools.

Prerequisites: Woodshop Lathes sign off and Nova Labs Green Orientation (GO!)
Mandatory Safety Dress Code: Closed-toed shoes, short sleeves, no loose clothing, and hair tied back. Must wear a mask at all times and must bring your own safety glasses. Optional: Hearing protection, particle filter, or dust mask.


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