Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Join us, Rediscover the Joy of Making Things. GO class is your first stop after joining as a new member.
** You must be logged in and have registered as a member applicant to register. To apply, go to https://portal.nova-labs.org/join
-- New members get an introduction to community operations and policies. -- Get familiar with the tool sign off process. -- Complete onboarding requirements for entry into Nova Labs systems. -- Learn where to connect with key people and how to participate in volunteering. -- Get your new badge
Sign off: GO sign off
BEFORE CLASS - Preregister for the Reservation Portal/
----Follow the directions on the Notions wiki
Information Session/Digital Tour: Need more information before applying for membership? Attend a live digital information session. Our digital tour guide can answer a lot of your basic questions so you can make a more informed decision to subscribe. Sign up at https://portal.nova-labs.org/tour. Alternatively: call the lab's phone number or email [masked].
**New Members must Preregister for the Reservation Portal. Follow the steps you received in your registration confirmation email.
Nova Labs previously announced this event on Meetup.com.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
© 2020 Nova Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.