Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Spruce up your jeans, dress up your bedding, make beautiful gifts with these basic embroidery stiches. Sally will teach you hand stitching you can use to embellish all the things!
Students will learn running stitch, back stitch, chain stitch, leaf stitch, daisy knots, and French knots.
** Important: You must register and pay for the event on the Nova Labs event site at https://https://portal.nova-labs.org/events-by-workspace Space is limited. **
Prerequisites: basic knowledge of hand stitching Cancellation Policy: 48 hours in advance Age requirement: 16+ Sign off: none Safety Dress Code: N/A Class Fee: 45$
Instructor: Sally Byers is an advanced seamstress who has taught hand sewing and machine basics at Nova Labs for over 5 years.
Nova Labs previously announced this event on Meetup.com.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
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