Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Students will learn to safely operate the Coal Ironworks 16 ton hydraulic forging press in the Nova Labs blacksmithing shop.
Sign off: Hydraulic Press Prerequisite: Blacksmithing Safety sign off and age 16+
Students will: - Learn to manipulate the press jaws in a safe and controlled manner - Change press dies - Learn which die does what - Get hands-on forging time with the 16-ton press
The 16-ton hydraulic forging press is an invaluable tool when used correctly and safely, this class aims to provide a good baseline of tool literacy.
Minors 16-17: May take the class, but parents must remain in the lab and available in case needed or in an emergency.
Instructor: Gari Jimenez-Lugo: "I'm a Journeyman blacksmith specializing in cutlery and pattern welded steel. I spent a few years studying as an apprentice, most of my apprenticeship involved working in museums and renaissance festivals along the eastern seaboard. I bring a love and understanding of science and engineering to the craft while respecting historical tradition."
READ-->REQUIRED to BRING/SAFETY. There are lots of sparks. So, you MUST wear Non-synthetic clothes, including leather shoes and long pants are a must. Long sleeve shirts are not necessary, but no shorts.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, you must bring your own safety glasses. Masks are required for this class.
Nova Labs previously announced this event on Meetup.com.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
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