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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

WW_S: Table Saw Safety Sign Off (Members Only)

  • 21 Aug 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Nova Labs, 1916 Issac Newton Sq West, Reston, VA
  • 1


Registration is closed

This class, in addition to Green Orientation (GO), is required in order to use the table saw without supervision.

Learn how to use the NoVA Labs SawStop table saw. In this rowdy 2 hr class you will learn to employ the table saw for the most frequently needed operations: precision cross-cutting and ripping. You'll also learn the true meaning of the phrases "finger-tight", and "about right". You'll learn about "kickback" and how to avoid it.

Class is required for everyone, regardless of experience level. Sufficiently motivated students who show competence will be signed off immediately at the conclusion of class.

Sign off: Tablesaw
Prerequisite: Nova Labs Green Orientation*
Safety Dress Code: Woodshop dress code enforced. Comfortable closed-toed shoes; natural fiber clothing (wool, cotton, leather); no loose clothing; and hair and beard tied back). Must wear a mask at all times and must bring your own safety glasses.

*You may take this class before taking GO but you may not use the tools listed except when supervised by a certified adult or key member. You have 30 days to take GO or the sign off is forfeited.

**Refund and Events Policy:
No refund if the student is non-compliant with the safety dress requirement or more than 15 minutes late for class.

Nova Labs previously announced this event on


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