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CS_P: Mold Making and Plastic Casting 101

  • 11 Sep 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Nova Labs (TS - The Studio and Projects Classroom), 1916 Isaac Newton Square, Reston, va 20190
  • 7


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Mold making and casting are an invaluable part of any maker's toolkit. Whether you want to create decorative pieces, mass produce 3D printed models, or make a one-off part for a DIY project, mold making and casting will produce durable, attractive finished products. These techniques can be used for jewelry making, prototyping, costumes, creating unique embellishments for your maker projects and many other uses.

This class will teach you how to make a box mold using silicone rubber and how to cast plastic parts in that mold. Each student will receive hands-on training. It will also cover the different materials available for mold making and casting, how to choose the right materials for your project, safe handling of materials and potential pitfalls like cure inhibition and bubble formation.

Recommended Clothing: The materials used in this class will permanently bond to anything they get on. It is strongly recommended you wear old work clothes and shoes you won't mind getting stained

Instructor: Steve Fritzinger is the composites steward, woodworker, chef instructor, bread-maker, and cosplay expert.

Class Fee is $40:

Class size is limited and masks are required.

Nova Labs previously announced this event on


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