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EL_P: Intro to Sensors with Arduino using TinkerCAD (Online)

  • 10 Feb 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Online event


Registration is closed

This class will describe how to use various simple types of sensor with Arduino microcontrollers, using TinkerCAD premade circuit/coded examples. It will cover Digital and Analog sensors, some ways to manage the input and see the output. Some programs are coded using block coding like Scratch and some are in text (C++) but should be not too difficult to follow. The free TinkerCAD simulator makes it easy and quick to build and try ideas. Premade circuits offer examples you can look at and modify.

Prerequisites: Some familiarity with Arduino and simple coding will be useful – you do not have to be an expert. Nova Labs class Arduino 101 is enough. Ages: Suggested teen to adult.

Other Nova Labs Events you should attend: The Arduino meetups (3rd Tuesday in the month) and Robotics Meetups (1st and 3rd Saturday in the month) now held virtually, at which you can discuss your projects with other makers. After Nova Labs reopens, there will be Electronics Evenings to discuss projects, and members can use the Electronics bench to make things.

Preparation/Tools: Sign up for a free TinkerCAD before class.
• TinkerCAD is a web based simulator, you do not have to download anything. You do have to make an account with login. After you are logged in, the circuits is below the 3D CAD.
• Register for an account: Go to web page
• Log into TinkerCAD; it will help if you have also accessed TinkerCAD Circuits (below the “3D Designs” option) and looked at the interface.

Virtual Classroom Access - Zoom link will be visible to registrants upon sign-up under the 'location' info.

***Your instructor, Nick Carter, is donating all proceeds for this class to Nova Labs. You may contact him at


Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580

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