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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

CS_O: Life Casting Demonstration

  • 11 Jun 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Nova Labs (The Studio) 3850 Jermantown Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
  • 6


Registration is closed

Does your next cosplay need a mask fitted exactly to your face?  A custom prosthetic nose, horns or cybernetic eye? A steampunk upgrade to your hand? Then you need a life cast of your head, face, hand or other anatomy. 

Life casting is the process of creating a mold of a body part using alginate or silicone rubber. The mold is then used to create a detailed replica of that living part using plaster, plastic or other material. Life casts can be used to create decorative pieces, sculptures, forms for prosthetics and masks, make-up effects and many other uses. 

This demonstration will show how to make a face mold using alginate and a plaster casting from that mold. We’ll go through the full process, preparing the subject, applying the alginate, creating a plaster bandage “mother mold” and making the casting. The demo will take roughly 1 hour, start to finish. 

If you’ve ever wanted to see someone’s face covered in goo and plaster, this demo is for you.


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