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WW_P: Beginner's guide to pen turning

  • 20 Jun 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Nova Labs (Classroom 2), 1930 Jermantown Rd, Fairfax VA
  • 4


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Making pens is great fun!

BUT, it can be both easy and complicated. This demonstration will simplify the process. It is intended for both beginners who have yet to make their first pen, as well as more experienced turners in need of a refresher.

At the end of this demo, each student will be given the materials they need (a wood blank and pen kit) to get them started on their first pen! 

Subjects to be discussed are:
- review components of the lathe
- material: wood vs acrylic
- pen kits and components
- blank preparation: cutting, drilling, glueing
- holding &  turning the blank
- sanding & finishing

Reminder: You will not turn the pen in this project class but you will see how it's done. You must have a lathe sign-off in order to use the lathe independently. 

Required: Safety glasses


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