Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
This event is for adult teachers/educators.
Teachers will make custom felt Autumn leaves using the laser cutter. Teachers can customize the leaves with a name or pick a leaf shape to make felt bookmarks for your classes... each person can make up to 30 leaf bookmarks.
Public, Private, Charter, Homeschool, and Educators guiding the minds of Preschool - High School Diploma are welcome to attend this FREE laser cutting course that directly benefits your classroom. Ms. Cameron will laser cut in white foam board the letters A to Z and the numbers 0 to 9 and a name sign of the Educator's last name. While demonstrating the power of our CO2 lasers we will also tour the power of Nova Labs in supporting educators in the area. Educators walk away with letters and name sign.
Please add in notes where you are as an educator. Pass the word to other educators!
Individual schools or groups of educators may request a group class with 5 participants as a minimum.
Instructor: With 20 years of educating, Melanie Cameron brings educators a Back-to-School treat.
Class Title - Educators on Fire FREE Laser Class, Foam Board : ABC's, 123's, and a Custom Name Sign 20 years of educating, Melanie Cameron brings educators a Back-to-School treat. Public, Private, Charter, Homeschool, and Educators guiding the minds of Preschool - High School Diploma are welcome to attend this FREE laser cutting course that directly benefits your classroom. Ms. Cameron will laser cut in white foam board the letters A to Z and the numbers 0 to 9 and a name sign of the Educator's last name. While demonstrating the power of our CO2 lasers we will also tour the power of Nova Labs in supporting educators in the area. Educators walk away with letters and name sign. Please add in notes where you are an educator. Pass the word to other Educators! Class size limit: 12. Individual schools or groups of Educators may request a group class with 5 participants as a minimum.
Aug 19th at 7pm-9pm
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
© 2020 Nova Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.