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LC_P: Advanced Laser CNC Software RDWorks & Lightburn

  • 28 Jul 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Nova Labs, Inc. 3850 Jermantown Road. Fairfax City, VA 22030 (Classroom 1)
  • 2


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Got a laser project but don’t know where to start? Too many videos on RDWorks and LightBurn?

The sheer amount of tutorials can be overwhelming. Nova Labs is best known for its philosophy of DIT (Do It Together)... so let’s get you makers making with lasers fast! In Laser 102, we learn RDWorks and Lightburn together and how they apply to our Nova Labs CO2 Lasers in two hours or less. We use basic shapes, images, and text to learn how to prepare artwork, choose order of operations, and learn the basics of cutting and engraving with simple scalable vector graphics in RDWorks and Lighburn. Graphics Design experience is not necessary. The goal of this class is to learn how to use the CNC software in order to cut with the CO2 lasers so you can get the lasers working for you. The goal of this class is not advanced graphics and laser techniques design, which is “Laser 201 Advanced Software Techniques and Test Cards.”

Students will test cut various materials with simple shapes. There is no “takeaway” product, but students are welcome to take away the things they make.

What to Bring: Students may bring their own computers with LightBurn and/or RDWorks downloaded (must be done prior to class beginning). Students may bring SVG files on USB if they have a project in mind already. Students are encouraged to bring their ideas or photos for types of projects they will mainly focus on making with lasers.

Instructor Melanie Cameron: Florist, Laser Cutter, Maker, Teacher, and Theater Geek, Ms. Cameron loves instructing and making at Nova Labs. Let’s play with fire! I mean... lasers!

Prerequisite: Laser 101

*Note: This is not a signoff class. Laser 101 Red Tool Safety signoff is required in order to take this class.


Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580

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