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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

Trunk or Treat Halloween - The Spaceworm has landed

  • 28 Oct 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Nova Labs, 3850 Jermantown Rd, Fairfax, VA


  • We are coming for trick-or-treating and to see all the great trunks!
  • Register to bring your trunk/spooky car/van/truck

Registration is closed
Join us for a spooktacular in-person event at Nova Labs! Get ready to embark on an intergalactic Halloween adventure as the mysterious Spaceworm lands in our midst. Dress up in your scariest or most creative costume and roam around our decorated trunks, collecting treats along the way. Don't miss out on the thrilling activities, including face painting, pumpkin carving, and a haunted maze. Bring your friends and family to enjoy a frightfully fun evening filled with laughter and candy galore. Let's make this Halloween an unforgettable space odyssey!

Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Prizes will be awarded best-decorated vehicle, DIY costumes, and a raffle for registered attendees!

Register your number of guests please, including kids! Help us plan the door prizes and space for our spooktacular event.

Door price rules: Door prizes: Only those signed up on this event and checked in at the information table are eligible to win. We'll draw for several prizes randomly and post the names at the info table at 7:30pm. If you checked in but left before 7:30pm, no worries. We will email you to pick up your prize at the lab.

To Enter a Vehicle in the event:

WE NEED MORE VEHICLES!!! Want to enter a spooky decorated vehicle as an exhibit? Fantastic! Choose the "Spooky vehicle entry" option to register and let us know. We'll assign you a spot and send you some more a few days before the event. Or ask us some questions at Be creative, use some of the tools and supplies in our makerspace to wow them. Let us know if you need candy to give away.


Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580

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