Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
It's beach towel season are you ready? Tired of losing your towel at the pool or beach? Do you need a summer birthday gift or want to get started early on Christmas?
BRING YOUR OWN TOWEL and Karen will walk you though machine embroidering a beautiful monogram on it! No sign off necessary! (Thread and stabilizers will be supplied)
Due to time constraints - only one towel per person.
Sign Off: none (This is a project class you will not be able to use the embroidery machines outside of this class unless you have the sign off)
Prerequisites: none
Age requirement: none
Instructor: Karen Long - Sewing and designing clothing for over 30 years. Teaches machine embroidery.
The class must have 3 participants sign up to run. If this does not happen those who have paid will be issued a full refund.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
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