Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Know how to sew but just can’t seam to get zippers?
Learn how to install an exposed zipper AND take home a lovely little pouch them in this skill building project class!
All materials supplied. Bring your sewing machine or use one of ours.
Perquisites: basic knowledge of using a sewing machine Cancellation Policy: 48 hours in advance Age requirement: 16+ Sign off: none Safety Dress Code: N/A
Instructor: Kathy McCabe is an advanced seamstress, crafter who uses CAD, laser cutter, and many other tools in her work. She also teaches the Industrial Sewing machine class. [masked]
Class must have 3 participants sign up to run. If this does not happen those who have paid will be issued a full refund.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
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