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AC_P: Make Little Furniture (Bedroom Edition)

  • 22 Feb 2025
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Nova Labs (Classroom 2), 3850 Jermantown Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
  • 0


Registration is closed

Make your own Little Furniture for a doll house, a Diorama, Fairy Garden or just for fun!

During this class, attendees will assemble, glue and paint a set of small furniture. All the parts will be laser cut from thin plywood before the class.

The participants will also get to use fabric and a sewing machine to manufacture small cushions or other accessories for the furniture. The design process and how a laser works will be discussed.

If time permits, makers will work on cardboard prototypes of their own invention. 

Younger children are welcome in this class with an adult helper. Adult helpers should come prepared to help exclusively. Usually, it is not possible to help a young maker and make your own project in the same session.

The price is per furniture set. Adults helping children but not building their own furniture do not need to pay.

Keep a look out for more Little Furniture Classes in the future:  Living Room Edition and Dining Room Edition!

Maximum: 6 furniture-making persons. 

Prerequisites: no experience is needed

Age requirement: 8+ 

Instructor: Fabiana Cesa is a maker educator. She has taught for the Nova Labs MakerSchool for the past three years.

The class must have 3 participants sign up to run. If this does not happen those who have paid will be issued a full refund.


Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580

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