Wild Apricot (WA) Portal
Wear your emotions!
The participants in this class will make and take home a whimsical t-shirt similar to the ones in the photo. Makers will construct their own emoji using a variety of parts available.
The class will offer a hands-on introduction to the Silhouette cutter and Silhouette Studio, its companion software. These tools are used to design and cut vinyl appliques for t-shirts, stickers, signs and more. Nova Labs offers three Silhouettes and they are classified as green tools. The instructor will also demonstrate the use of the heat press.
Younger children are welcome with an adult helper. Adult helpers should come prepared to help exclusively. Usually, it is not possible to help a young maker and make your own project in the same session
Please include color and size choice with your early registration (at least three days before). There will be a limited selection of t-shirts for late registrations or you may bring your own blank pre-washed t-shirt.
Price is per t-shirt making person. Adults helping children do not need to pay.
Maximum: 6 T-shirt making persons.
Prerequisites: no previous sewing experience is needed Age requirement: 10+ or with an adult
Instructor: Fabiana Cesa is a maker educator. She has taught for the Nova Labs MakerSchool for the past three years.
Class must have 3 participants sign up to run. If this does not happen those who have paid will be issued a full refund.
Email: support@nova-labs.org
Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580
© 2020 Nova Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.