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Wild Apricot (WA) Portal

TS_P: Make Your Own Leather Dog Collar and Leash

  • 24 Mar 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Nova Labs, (The Studio), 3850 Jermantown Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
  • 5



Make Your Own Leather Dog Collar & Leash for Furry Best Friend!

Treat your four-legged best friend to a custom leather collar and matching leash—crafted by you! In this hands-on class, you’ll make a custom leather dog leash from scratch (almost—you’ll start with a blank strap). First, you’ll learn leather 101 and learn the basics of leather and its characteristics. Then, dive into flexing your elementary school math skills to determine how long of a leather strap you need to make for your bougie pup. Oh, your pup’s not easily impressed? Well, let’s also make a matching dog collar to show your pup whose really the boss. 

And are you worried your pup will think you’re cheating on it because it sees you leave home with a bunch of stuff to make a leash and collar? No problem! Leave your imaginary leatherworking supplies at home since we’ll provide all the materials and tools necessary! So bring yourself and the excitement to spoil your pup! 

Sign up now—your pup will thank you with extra tail wags!

IMPORTANT: Before class, measure your dog’s neck size (see instructions in the email we'll send you)

Prerequisites: None, Age 16+

Sign-off: None

Instructor: Darsh


Nova Labs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), EIN 45-3796580

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